The Birkhoff Brief

Issue 1

April 2000

The Operative's Online Source for Section News

Mission F.U.B.A.R. of the Month

KFOR Soldiers patrol the streets of Mitrovica

MITROVICA,  April 3, 2000

Violence erupted around noon last Monday in Mitrovica, resulting in injuries to twenty-two Serbs and Albanians, sixteen KFOR Peace-keepers, and two SECTION one operatives. 

The trouble began as a heated argument between two men grew into a major street fight between Serbs and Albanians involving hand grenades and gunfire. SECTION scuttlebutt has it that one of our level four operatives was in Mitrovica investigating  illegal arms sales when the incident occurred. He was accompanied by a level two operative, who was acting as an undercover contact liaison to Franco Senji. 


Franco Senji is the only known arms dealer for Carga Bengal, Sections target. Carga Bengal supplies arms to third world countries.

Franco Senji

During the mission the two men were to negotiate weapon prices with Senji and attempt to arrange a meeting with Bengal. While the Intel on exactly what happened next is a still unclear, it appears that the two operatives were suddenly involved in a heated argument. With each other.

According to transcripts related through White Room documents, it would seem that the younger, less experienced Level two operative became belligerent when the Level four Op rejected his plan to change the current profile. The young operative quickly lost control of his temper and began to taunt the older operative with his past failures. Phrases like 'Third Party Rip-off',  and 'Even I would have known it was a hologram', were just some of the scathing remarks made. 

It is still unclear exactly what remark finally activated the Level four Op to violence. Although, rumor has it that the Level two OP may have made reference to a certain leggy blonde. Whatever the stimulus, the Level four Op finally lost his patience and threw the first punch, sparking the crowd around them into a free-for-all frenzy.

"The anger between the two men in Mitrovica could happen in any city in the world. However, the ease with which the crowd resorted to violence must be condemned by all leaders and citizens." said General Klaus Reinhardt, Commander of KFOR.

KFOR French, Danish and German soldiers rapidly intervened and brought the melee under control. Four men were arrested in connection with the incident, one of which was Franco Senji. His arrest effectively eliminates SECTIONS only known contact to Carga Bengal, and puts his profile in review. It is unlikely a current profile will be set for Bengal anytime soon.

Both SECTION One operatives escaped arrest, but both were badly bruised and beaten. The Level two Op also incurred further injuries to his face (small razor-like slashes), during his interrogation in SECTION. 

The Level four Op was treated for his injuries and is currently working as Team Leader on another profile in Paris. The Level two OP is now in abeyance and has been scheduled to go out on the Fannelli mission. Michael is Team Leader for that Profile.

A word of advice for the novice operative- 

Leave the blonde out of it.  


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