File Retrieval: Maddie's Day Off

Rating: PG for mild violence







Madeiline checked over the files one last time. Operations was busy for the afternoon, Michael and Nikita were off somewhere together, despite her wishes. Walter was busy making some new weapon, of course, and Madeline had sent an attractive new Operative to flirt with Birkhoff for a while.

That took care of everyone. Madeline hit the button on the computer screen that would set things into motion.

She walked through the corridors, only pausing once, at the White Room. She opened the door. A man was strapped to a chair, blood dripping from him in different places. The attendant looked up at her, with a bit of fear, Madeline noted with approval. And the attendant wasn’t bad looking either. How had he slipped by her?

"I’ll be back this evening, Mr. Grodowski," Madeline said, almost theatrically, "I suggest you be in a...cooperative mood by then."

Mr. Grodowski started to try and convince her he was in a cooperative mood now, but Madeline closed the door and walked down the hall. She made a few twists and turns, making sure that no one was paying attention to her.

She checked her watch and hit the door right on time. The computer program she had run would temporary cut off the monitor for the door, just long enough for her to slip outside, unnoticed.

She went to a car she had arranged. She couldn’t take hers, they would notice that. She got in, turned on the engine and pulled onto the road.

It was only after an hour of driving, checking the rear view mirrors constantly, that she was sure she wasn’t being followed. It was time, she was free to do what she had come for.

She drove a few more minutes and pulled into a parking lot next to an old decrepit looking building. She checked herself in the mirror, got out of the car, and walked into the building.

"Madeline!" a man said excitedly as she walked into the door.

"Hey Jack, how’s your wife?" Madeline said, giving Jack a light hug, trying not to notice his smell.

"Good, good." Jack said. "You should come more often, we would enjoy seeing more of you here!"

"Thanks, Jack." Madeline said and excused herself so she could get to work. She went behind the counter, nodding hello to the workers, and put on an apron. It wouldn’t do to get soup on her expensive outfit.

Madeline sighed in contentment as she spent the afternoon ladling out soup for the homeless people coming through. It amazed her that so many of them remained in good spirits, despite their horrible situations. She wished she could teach that to a few operatives she knew.

When it was time to clean up, Madeline pitched in, scrubbing pans, after taking off her expensive watch. When they were close to being done, her pager went off. It was a page to herself to remind her she needed to get back to Section.

"I have to go." Madeline said and smiled to the other workers. "Work."

They all said their good-byes and wishes that she would come back more often. A few of the homeless people that were staying for the shelter tonight said good-bye to her as she headed to the door. She noticed one man eyeing her suspiciously.

What’s his problem? she wondered as she grabbed her coat and headed out the door. She was halfway to her car when she heard the door open again and foot steps headed her way. She made herself not look back, she could handle a homeless person if she had to. Most likely it was Jack, wanting another hug. She got to her car, but instead of unlocking it, she put her hand on her gun, inside of her coat, and turned.

It was the man who had looked at her strangely. She recognized him.

"Tortlen." Madeline said. He was an operative for Section. But what was he doing here.

"Madeline." Tortlen said smiling. "Rough mission today?"

"What are you doing here?" Madeline asked, reestablishing who was in charge here.

"Watching you." Tortlen said, still smiling. "Charity work, they’re never going to believe this back at Section."

"What do you want?" Madeline said. Everyone wanted something, and obviously this was no coincidence.


"Oh, a little special treatment, if you get my drift." Tortlen said.

"Certainly." Madeline said in a hushed voice, moving toward him as if to give him a kiss. As he leaned forward to kiss her, she pulled out her gun and shot him. Hitting the ground, he died a second later.


Madeline got in the car and pulled out into the road.

"Jesus! Did he actually think he would get away with that?" Madeline said and laughed.

She smiled all the way back to Section. It had been a good day, and it was only another week or so before she had some charity work to do at the hospital’s children’s ward.

"Maybe I can get some special little girl a doll?" Madeline thought as she snuck back to the White Room.

"Hello Mr. Grodowsk, ready to talk?" Madeline asked as she walked over to him. He nodded his agreement as she reached for the dial. He screamed his agreement as she turned the electricity on. And then he yelled in pain.

"What a great day." Madeline thought again.