Nikita's Notions

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cover Lots of action and life lessons for the modern day female operative who is battling to make it in this seemingly hostile world. Very helpful in dealing with the those pesky Level Five Opreatives.......
1-800-God-Help-Me: A Love Story
  cover I'm having trouble remembering what this one is about. But I feel sure that it is a good book, well worth taking a look at. 
12 Steps to a Better Memory


  cover This is one of my favorite books! You'll find the right hat for every occasion. From Debriefs' to Obeyance, the 'power' hat can make your day!  
500 Hats of a Modern Day Woman: Strength for Today's Demanding Roles (Women of Confidence)


   cover A movie about circumstances that conspire to keep two people apart. Oh, and a boat that sinks. Has a great soundtrack and lots of outstanding hats!
Titanic (DVD)


   cover Secret agents, world players and hopeless romantics mark this movie as an operatives' must have.
No Way Out (DVD)
Available April 25!!


    cover Every operative has to have a classic in their video library, and this one is in mine. The lead in this film could give lessons on the patented 'blank' stare technique. A must see for any agent trying to get out of a hostile foreign country, or operatives trapped in a love triangle.
Casablanca (DVD)

    cover Music to plan your revenge with, hate men with, be bitter with, you get the idea. 
Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie - Alanis Morrisette (CD)


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