Madeline's Cool Literary Combos

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cover The heartbreaking story of a wonderful woman who rules her world through tough love, until a young girl named Dorothy arrives to usurp her authority and threaten her very existence. 
The Wizard of Oz (DVD)


cover A fascinating look into the complex psyche of a woman at the top of her game. A perfect example of how to use terror and manipulation to attain complete control.
Mommie Dearest (VHS)


cover Do you have an attic? Sisters, brothers and mothers. It's all here, the perfect book for the whole family.
Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews (Book)


cover The biography of one of the most famous and powerful women the world has ever known. Follow her story from a troubled childhood to her climatic break-up with her sister, the Good Witch of the East. A break-up which put her on a course with tragedy.
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory McGuire (Book)


cover Want to forget the grueling past twelve hours in the White Room? Pop this in the stereo and pull out your bell bottoms! Pure Disco will accomplish the job!
Pure Disco, Various Artists (CD)


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