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Absent Shadows
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Email the Author: Frac |
It was raining again. I shivered as cold water slide down the back of my neck and goose bumps broke out on my arms. I was already soaked to the skin and had given up on finding decent shelter. But then, when you're in a graveyard on a stormy night, I suppose it goes with the territory.
Inhaling the odor of freshly disturbed dirt I squinted into the dark as another streak of lightening suddenly lit up the landscape. The jagged brilliance of light outlined the hundred or so graves laid out before me. Besides the rain and distant thunder, there were no other sounds to be heard.
My gaze fell on the figure of a gargoyle perched on top of the grave marker I was leaning against. It was gray with large slanted eyes and bony outspread wings, standing guard over a corpse long past caring. It's presence was oddly comforting.
I checked my watch again as I stepped away from the gravestone and began to pace back and forth. It was well passed three in the morning. The contact was over thirty minutes late.
It was bad form to wait. Not to mention dangerous. Obviously something had gone wrong. The longer I stayed, the greater the chance of exposure, or even capture.
A sigh of frustration escaped me as I pushed a wet piece of hair away from my face.
The hope that I may had finally found a contact with tangible intel was quickly giving way to despair. A feeling I had become familiar with over the past several months. Ever since Michael had disappeared.
I still refused to believe he was dead. Even though Section had assured me he couldn't have survived the blast. I couldn't explain it to Walter or Birkoff, and wouldn't explain it to Operations or Madeline. But I knew that I would know if Michael was dead.
I would feel it.
So I started chasing leads, gathering intel, pulling in favors. As covertly and as focused as I had ever done anything in my life.
And I found nothing. Not one scrap of proof that anyone had walked away from that inferno.
All I had was the knowledge of what my heart whispered to me late in the night. That he was alive.
A big rumble of thunder suddenly blasted overhead.
Either the contact had been intercepted or he had decided there was nothing of importance to deliver afterall. It was time to go, no more waiting
With 9mm in hand I carefully made my way through the twisted maze of gravestones out to the dirt road where my car was parked.
Running the last few yards I unlocked the door and jumped in. Quickly starting the car, I sat for a moment staring out into the dark.
As rain poured down onto the window shield a memory unbidden came to mind. Taking me back.
We had been dancing. The seduction scene was well under way.
He was barely touching me, yet every nerve had been on fire. Gray green eyes had looked into mine and I couldn't look away. A part of me had wanted to run, but I couldn't take that first step.
He had smelled of some expensive musky cologne that I had tried later to find but never could.
Then his hands had slowly entertwined with mine and I knew I was lost. As did he.
The sound of window-wipers on glass brought me abruptly back to reality. The downpour was finally letting up. Putting the car into gear I kept my headlights off as I slowly made my way down the narrow road.
"No." I said aloud to myself. I won't stop looking. Not until I know for sure.
chapter 2
"Hello Sugar."
"Hey Walter." I smiled as I walked past his work station, my attention distracted by the small group of people gathered in the briefing area.
Changing course, I headed towards Com where Birkhoff was furiously typing away on his keyboard.
"Hey Nikita," Birkhoff said, his head never lifting from the computer screen.
"What's going on Birkoff?" I asked, nodding my head towards Operations and the small group of operatives gathered around him.
"Aren't you supposed to be meeting with Madeline?" He replied, studiously avoiding eye contact.
"Birkoff." My hand caught the collar of his shirt and gave it a quick tug. "What is it?"
Birkoff's eyes lifted to meet mine. "Nikita, I --"
"Ah, Nikita." Madelines' voice sounded from behind me, making both I and Birkoff jump.
"You're here early."
She somehow made it sound like an accusation, I thought as I turned to face her. As usual, she was sporting a severe looking black dress. I often wondered how she would look clothed in color. Something other than black or gray.
"I can see you now," She informed me coolly as she turned and headed down the hall.
I shot Birkoff a questioning look. He quickly dropped his head and continued typing. No help there.
If Section had found out about my extracurricular activities I was good as dead. My stomach muscles tightening with nerves, I took a deep breath and turned to follow the lion into her den.
Chapter 3
Madeline sat across from me at her desk. I slouched down in the chair I was seated in and tried not to fidget under her unrelenting gaze.
No one I had ever met had a stare quite like Madelines'- not even Michael. Though there were times when he had come close.
Madeline has a look in her eye that just makes you want to confess any and every transgression you've ever committed. Mostly because you somehow feel she already knows what you've done and that by telling the truth may save your life later.
Except that it rarely does. Section isn't that forgiving. And neither is Madeline.
However, both Section and Madeline had been fooled before. And that's how I had the courage to meet her eyes now.